Well it's three weeks into my new job and I'm amazed at what a difference it has made to my life.
In just three weeks I've been transformed into a whole new man, and hooray for that I hear some of you say.
Ok so what's so different about you then John?
Well I'm glad you asked ;)
Ok it's only when things change that you realise just what a rut you were in, though what I was doing before was of value and excellent work it pales into obscurity against what I'm doing now and I'm loving it.
Nowdays I'm working 10-12 hr days and feel like I'm on holiday, I'm still up at 6am and off to work on the tram but at 4:30 when I leave I'm home and back on my computer working till 8 or so, I feel so liberated I can't tell you.
Ok so what's different that's made such a change to my life, well in a word control.
Happiness is not about working less or being paid more but for me it's about having control of my own destiny, sure I'm still employed and sure I could still be made redundant get the sack or have some sort of life changing accident but now I feel that I have control, I choose when and how I work and that makes such a difference.
Of course I have orders to follow and jobs to do but my new employers have faith in my abilities and leave me to organise my own work, it's always amazed me that companies pay people huge amounts of money to do their jobs and then insist on micro managing them, how unproductive is that?
Worse than making employees unproductive it also starts to eat away at their confidence and self worth, after a while you begin to accept it as the status quo, you begin to accept that you have no mind of your own, that your ideas are of little worth and that how it is is how it should be.
Rebel I say, don't accept the mediocre, don't let the little people control your life take ownership of your own destiny and get yourself something better.
Ok ok I know it's easier said than done, believe me I've been there and done that and sometimes you have little choice but to knuckle under and get through the day but what I would urge you to do is keep your eyes open for that opportunity to change your situation.
Nowadays with the advent of jobsite and jobserve amongst others it's the easiest thing in the world to set up automatic e-mails of likely looking jobs sent direct to your account every day.
Ok that perfect job may not be the first thing that arrives in your inbox, it took 19 months for me but if you aren't looking it'll never turn up.
Let's face it if your current employer needs to shed jobs they won't think twice about getting rid of you if it suits their purpose.
I'm not saying be disloyal to your current employer, you owe them your loyalty all the time you are taking their money but for the love of god keep your eyes open and your head up cos no one cares about your career like you do.
Personally I don't give a damn about your career as much as you don't care about mine but I'm sure as hell interested in mine !
So what's the point then John I hear you say.
To quote the she bitch of all time get on your bike and find yourself something better.
Next bulletin from the Isle of Man !
John Anslow